Leadership Styles

There are many different ways to lead, and understanding the different styles and types of leadership will help you to grow as a leader. It's important to note that the different styles of leadership can be considered as a spectrum. Portions or aspects of the traits that make up each style of leadership can be adopted individually or as a whole. In fact, some of the different styles combine together or complement one another fairly naturally.

In addition, it's also important to note there are not necessarily right or wrong styles of leadership. There are situations where some aspects of different leadership styles might be necessary.

Motivational Leaders

Coach. Mentor.

Servant Leaders

Humble. Protective.

Transformational Leader

Visionary. Challenging. Inspire through vision. Focuses on and excels at communication. Purpose-driven leaders that motivate their team to drive change and improvement.

Consensus Builders

Consultant. Negotiator.

Democratic Leaders

Supportive. Innovative.

Transactional Leaders

Focused on performance. Focused on outcomes. Results-driven leaders that view interactions as exchanges.

Bureaucratic Leaders

Hierarchical. Focused on duty.

Autocrats and Dictators

Autocratic. Authoritarian.

Hands-off or Laissez-Faire Leadership

Autocratic. Delegatory. Let it be is the guiding phrase for this style of leadership.